Today's post will be over the first two books of Christina Benjamin's "The Geneva Project" trilogy, before I participate in the cover reveal for the third book on August 6th, along with an author interview just for you guys!
Book One: "Truth"

Book Two: "Secrets"
Jumping right into this review, I will start off with a quick snippet from the prologue of the first book, in lieu of a synopsis.
My name is Geneva Sommers. I didn’t know that until today. Until today, I’ve lived the past thirteen years of my life as #65. Jane 65 to be exact. Janes, that’s what they call us female orphans at the Troian Center. We live on Hullabee Island. Our way of life here is very simple, either you’re one of the lucky ones, or you’re not. I am not. Or at least that’s what I thought, until I found out the truth.
(Excerpt From: Benjamin, Christina. “The Geneva Project - Truth.” iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.)
I'm giving the first book a 4.5 out of 5 rating. The character development of Geneva was extraordinary, portrayed through both her actions and thoughts in the story, as well as the actual prose. (I don't yet know if this was intentional, so I am also adding this: the writing in most of the book sometimes feels a little choppy and rushed, usually during times that Geneva experiences stress, anger, frustration, etc, and sometimes it becomes a bit distracting, thus why I deducted 0.5 from the rating). Other than that, I loved the characters that she introduced throughout the story, especially the SUPER SWOONY Nova *heart eyes*. If you've been trying to find the perfect book boyfriend, he is in this series. Whew, getting warm just thinking about him!
(I was given this ebook for free from the author on exchange for an honest review.)
Now, onto the second book!
I'm giving this book a 5 out of 5 rating, even though the prose still seemed a bit hard to process at times at rare times (but again, I believe this was intentional to benefit the emphasis on Geneva's distress at times). Nova is as swoony and irritating as ever, and with another boy now publicly vying for her love, it falls on her shoulders to choose which boy to return her love for, or to put her duties before both of them completely. This book will have you on the edge of your seat while reading it, Christina having brilliantly created it to build on the plot laid out in the first book. Once again, I am stunned by how well she is able to design and sprout each individual character. After finishing the book, I realized I had been holding my breath in anxiety for Geneva and her companions. Your emotions will be riding on an emotional roller coaster from the betrayal, heartache, desire, and grief that she experiences.
Here are some of my favorite quotes from this book:
“Tread lightly on their hearts. You can only be responsible for one or the other; your country or your family. No heart is big enough for both.”
“Just hold me…” I managed to choke out between sobs.
“Forever,” he whispered into my hair”
“The heart is a wild thing, that’s why it lives in a cage made of bone, buried deep within us. It is so easily poisoned by simple things like hate, greed, jealousy. In my experience, these are the most destructive of weapons, if left to grow untended.”
“Devil, is just the word evil without the ‘D’ after all.”
“How was it that the beast that beat within us, could get it so wrong when it came to love?”
“Let the heavens fall for all I care. As long as I’m with you, I’m happy.”
“There is hope in knowing your enemy.”
“The decisions that weigh heaviest on our hearts are often the right ones.”
(Excerpts From: Benjamin, Christina. “The Geneva Project - Secrets.” iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.)
(I received this ebook for free from the author in exchange for an honest review.)
For more information on Christina, or to purchase her books, check out her website at:
And follow her on Instagram:
Until next time my book cubs!
❤️ The Book Lioness