June 17, 2018

Summer Shenanigans | Week Three

It feels so weird posting this much, but I hope you guys are enjoying these casual updates and snippets into my life.

Looking back on this week, I don't really feel like that much has happened. I went to work, taught two kids from my first week of swim lessons more advanced techniques for their second week of swim lessons, went to dance class, worked out a couple times (I'm in love with the aerobics room at my job), had an in-service where my blood sugar dropped during our skills tests, kept working on the July schedule for the pool, went out for ice cream with a guy, went swimming and made lasagna with aforementioned boy, mutually decided with the boy to just be friends, celebrated my mom's boyfriend's birthday, my mom's birthday, and Father's Day all in the span of three days, and went to a service at one of the college campus churches.

I've been thinking about changing the name of my blog to encompass the broader width of topics I want to cover both on here and on my YouTube channel (once I get it up and running again), but it's scary and daunting. I would have to create a whole new email for my blog, try and forward all my emails from my old email address to my new one, change my Instagram page, create all new hashtags, create new logos, etc etc. It's overwhelming to even think about it, but I don't want my blog to JUST be about books and book reviews. I want to show off my planner/bullet journal, post body positive things, share recipes and trips and life events with you guys, collaborate with other bloggers/YouTubers, like my amazing friend Jasmine of Stay Classy by Jazzy (GO FOLLOW HER!!) and Jaclyn from A World Full of Book Quotes (GO FOLLOW HER TOO!). Anyway, I have not officially decided anything, but keep your eyes out on my Instagram page for polls and updates about a possible name change (@thebooklioness).

This coming week is about to be CRAZY. My dance recital is Friday evening with the dress rehearsal on Thursday afternoon. My graduation party is Saturday afternoon/evening. Between now and then I have to clean my house, get a haircut, get my eyebrows waxed/trimmed, get a facial, get my finger and toenails painted, plan how to do my hair/makeup for my party, help make food for the party, get enough chairs and tables for the party, get party decorations/supplies, and host my grandparents ALL while lifeguarding this week and (hopefully) finishing up the first draft of this blasted July schedule.

I will hopefully get a review posted over The Stand-In Boyfriend soon, but it may not be this week.

I love you all. I've gotta head to bed.

Have a great week! --Catheryn

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