June 24, 2018

Summer Shenanigans | Week Four

You guys, I'm half asleep while typing this post. This past week has been ridiculously crazy busy, but it's been one of the most amazing weeks ever. I'm sleep-deprived but the lack of sleep was so worth it.

For reading, I started and finished a short book called 5 Mistakes That You Can't Afford to Make in College in preparation for my entry into the full-time college life in the fall. I really enjoyed it, and after reading the book, I was actually inspired to create a budget for myself starting in July.

At work, I had my first save of the season, but you'll never believe what it was (yes, a what, not a who). I had to jump in and save a small, red, plastic ball. Why? Two words: lifeguard evaluations. I have actually done some of the other lifeguards' evaluations, and it's really fun.

I had my dance recital Friday night (possibly my last one for awhile, or forever). I did a ballet routine to "Warrior" by Demi Lovato and a lyrical routine to "Unsteady" by X Ambassadors. During my lyrical routine, I actually fell, but everyone thought it was just part of the routine, so I guess I pulled it off alright.

Yesterday (aka Saturday) I hosted my graduation party. The turnout was amazing and I am so blessed to have received many thoughtful, generous gifts from my close friends and family. There was good food, good people, and some good laughs. It went for a little over ten hours and I did not go to bed until past midnight last night, so waking up for church and to say goodbye to my grandparents before they left to go back to Michigan was very hard to say the least. Thankfully the coffee kicked in pretty quickly.

I feel bad that I haven't gotten to typing up a review for The Stand-In Boyfriend, and I'm sure this week at work will be crazy, but hopefully I can for sure get it posted by the end of next week.

I'm about to fall asleep, so I think that's a sign for me to go to sleep.

I love you all so much, and I hope you have a great week!


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