Anyway, as the title says, I will be reviewing The Stand-In Boyfriend by Christina Benjamin, Book Five in The Boyfriend Series *swoon*. Lord, I love all these books so much, I wish I could have all the book boyfriends that Christina has created. Every time I read another one of her books, I fall more and more in love with her writing, especially since I've been able to see her growth as a writer from Truth (Book One in the Geneva Project Series).
Synopsis (Goodreads):

Sometimes the person you're meant to be with is standing right in front of you.
Parker Reed has been in love with Beth Bennett since he was four years old. She grew up next door to him, holding his hand and now his heart. The problem is, Beth has no idea Parker is in love with her. He’s stuck in the friend zone, forced to stand by while Beth dates a parade of losers. But with their senior year of high school winding down, Parker finds himself wondering how much longer he can hide his feelings for Beth.
Beth Bennett’s life is perfect. She’s convinced she has it all—the world’s best friend and the world’s best boyfriend. Now if only she could get the two to get along. With her spring break trip to Aspen just around the corner, Beth feels the pressure to spend time with both the guys in her life. But as usual, her older sister throws a wrench into Beth’s plans by hijacking her perfect spring break with a shotgun wedding.
As Beth scrambles to balance being a girlfriend, best friend and sister, her perfectly planned life spirals out of control. As always Parker is there to catch her. And when Beth’s boyfriend decides he’d rather go skiing than be her wedding date, Parker steps in to take his place. He decides the wedding is his big chance to tell Beth how he feels. What does he have to lose . . . besides the girl of his dreams?
Who will Beth choose? Her boyfriend, or the boy who’s never let her down?
Recommended For:
Fans of any of the other Boyfriend Series books, people on Team Gale from The Hunger Games, pretty much anyone who has been in love with their best friend, pretty much anyone who can read (okay, can you tell that I really liked this book?)
5 out of 5 stars!
If you haven't been able to tell already by how much attention I have already given this book on my Instagram and blog, I LOVE THIS BOOK! As someone who has been friend-zoned too many times, and as someone who has pretty much always rooted for the best-friend-love-interest, it made me so, so happy to finally have the best friend recognized as a selfless, kind, lovable person, and even better, the story featured two best friends who like each other, but are afraid of being friend-zoned by each other. The irony was perfectly frustrating for me, and the chemistry between Parker and Beth was just perfect. Of all of her books so far, I feel like the romance in this book has been the most relatable to my personal experiences, and the characters were just so realistic and dynamic and three-dimensional that I couldn't help but devour the story. Two of the characters actually had me so angry and frustrated throughout the entire book that any mention of them had be gripping my book and reading faster, as if I could magically escape those characters. I feel as though Christina has taken such a cheesy, overdone theme and turned into something truly heart-warming and satisfying. Now, if I keep typing anymore, I'm afraid I might end up spoiling something, so I'll stop now and let you discover the rest of the story by yourself.
About the Author (Christina's Website):
"Hi, I’m author Christina Benjamin. A little about me: I was born in GA, grew up in PA and now live in FL. I went to Flagler College, Keystone College and The University of Central Florida. I have a degree in Criminal Justice and English.
I strongly believe in finding what makes you happy and doing it. I’ve taken a leap of faith and am now following me dreams of being a full time writer. I’ve met so many wonderful people in my journey as an author. I love to speak about books and the importance of literature and cultivating the spirit of imagination.
xo – Christina"
Award-Winning author, Christina Benjamin, lives in Florida with her husband, and character inspiring pets, where she spends her free time working on her books and speaking to inspire fellow writers.
Christina is best known for her wildly popular Young Adult series, The Geneva Project.
Her best-selling novel, The Geneva Project – Truth, has won multiple awards and stolen the hearts of YA readers. Packed with magic and imagination, her epic tale of adventure hooks fans of mega-hit YA fiction like Harry Potter, The Hunger Games and Percy Jackson.
Christina loves to read and write across genres. YA is her favorite but she’s a sucker for a good love story. Don’t miss her romance, paranormal and historical fiction, as well as the multiple anthologies she’s been a part of.
Follow her at:
Facebook @ChristinaBenjaminAuthor
Twitter @authorcbenjamin
Instagram @authorcbenjamin
Patreon @authorcbenjamin
Pinterest @authorcbenjamin
To Buy:
Barnes & Noble
Crown Atlantic Publishing
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