I am bringing this Sunday Update to you on my brand-new Dell laptop that I got on sale at Office Depot (woot woot)! I am typing this quite late, but I am only partially asleep because I just got home from a HUGE dorm/college supplies shopping trip with one of my best friends. I saved a ton of money because it was tax-free weekend here in Tennessee.
As most of you know, I was on vacation in Florida this past week, so I'm just going to take you all through what I did on my trip. I'm still reading on College Rules! and I am almost done typing up a review for The Maybe Boyfriend. I started listening to the Daily French Podcast almost everyday to help keep my fluency in French, and I'm in love with it, even when it is challenging!
Monday: We went to Clearwater Beach and ate at Crabby's, though we didn't go into the water because there was a rip current advisory and no-swim flags flying. After that, we went to the Dunedin Causeway and enjoyed the view of the bay from a much less wave-y area.
Tuesday: We drove to Safety Harbor and grabbed Coldstone Creamery (my favorite!). I go the Apple Pie a la Coldstone in a cup and it was DELICIOUS! Also, it was my friend/fellow blogger Jasmine's birthday (go hit her up on Instagram @stayclassybyjazzy and on YouTube Stay Classy by Jazzy)!
Wednesday: I went fishing with my grandpa on his new boat. I caught two catfish; one small, one decently big. The highlight of the fishing trip was getting to see a manatee for the first time ever in the wild; it was so mesmerizing! I got a pretty bad sunburn on my stomach though! After that, we had dinner at my great uncle and aunt's house with their grandchildren.
Thursday: We took my mom's boyfriend to Spring Hill to drop him off at his brother's, as well as to see his dad (practically my step-grandpa). We all went to lunch together in Hernando Beach at a place called The Cove where we could see turtles and even an alligator swimming in the channel right behind the restaurant! It was another friend's birthday, but I forgot to wish g=her a happy birthday until Friday morning.
Friday: My mom and I took a trip to Clearwater Beach where I FINALLY got to go swimming in the ocean. I spent a good hour and a half or more just walking and treading water alone in the ocean; it was so relaxing and beautiful. To make the day even better, we went parasailing for the first time since I was just a wee tot! The view from up there was breath-taking, and all we could hear up there was the gentle breeze and each other. We met up with my grandparents for lunch at a restaurant called Eve's that my great-grandmother used to always take my mom and grandmother to. After taking a break at home, my grandma and I went shopping at Goodwill, where I picked up a cardigan, a blouse, and a pair of vintage heels! I also got a pair of leggings, but they had a huge run and a couple holes in them :(
Saturday: We drove home :(((((((
Sunday (aka today): I went to church with one of my guy friends and obviously spent the rest of the day shopping haha!
I am so thankful that I was able to go on this trip; it definitely helped me relax and relieved a lot of the stress I've been bottling up over the past couple months. I really feel like I'm truly in a great mindset to start college, but I still have to wait a few more weeks!
I will see you guys again next Sunday!
Welcome to the magical world that I call books! Reviews, tags, recommendations, hauls, updates, author interactions, and more!
July 29, 2018
July 23, 2018
Summer Shenanigans | Week Eight
Wow, another update a day late. I’m sorry you guys. I’ve been traveling A TON the past few days, and this is the first chance I’ve really had to sit down and type up this post.
I did pick up another book, as featured on my Instagram (@thebooklioness). It’s called College Rules! and it’s all about how to survive going into college. I love it so far, and I’m pretty sure I’ve underlined something on almost every page. Since it’s not a book I’m reviewing, but I feel like I can do both a book and lifestyle related post on it, I’m planning to post my top 10 or so favorite quotes from the book so you college kids out there can take some tips with you.
I’m not going to lie, this past week has been really hard for me. I’ve been struggling with my anxiety as well as some other unrelated issues, and I’ve been under a lot of stress at work lately. But thankfully, I am now on vacation, relaxing and recharging. Saturday morning we left Nashville, Tennessee to go to Franklin, North Carolina for a family reunion. Then Sunday morning we left to go to Oldsmar, Florida, a small town right outside of Tampa. I am taking lots and pictures of videos for you guys, don’t worry!
Since I’m in the middle of visiting family, I’m gonna cut this post short. I’ll fill you all in on Sunday.
Love you all!
July 16, 2018
How I Made My First Budget!
Y’all, I’m so excited for this post because it will be the first of my new lifestyle posts to help expand the content of my blog!
Just as a foreword: most people calculate their income by their upcoming paychecks during the month, but since I am paid the last weekday of each month, I base my income off my paycheck for the previous month.
Step One: I figured out how much I would be paid by looking at my payroll receipt a few days before payroll was deposited.
Step Two: I created several categories for my spending to fall under: gas, groceries, fast food/restaurants, beauty, health, entertainment, planner supplies/stationery, other.
Step Three: This one was the weird part for me because I’ve never really calculated how much I spend on certain things. I played around with different allotted amounts for each category until I felt confident that each category had enough money, but not too much. I kept my total allotted amount around $150 less than my income so I could set that money aside for savings.
Step Four: I put my spending goals into my bullet journal alongside with a Remaining Funds tracker for each category.
Step Five: I write down the date and type of purchase every time I buy something, as well as how much money is remaining in that category.
Bam! That’s it! I am by no means a professional budget maker or financial advisor, so this may not work for everyone, but if you’re wanting to start a simple budget or try monitoring how much your spending, I think is was a great way to get started!
Message me on Instagram if you have any questions!
❤️ Catheryn
July 15, 2018
Summer Shenanigans | Week Seven
You guys are going to be so proud of me! I’m not typing this at 9 pm (or later)!
I’m actually typing this while in the last hour and a half of a 9 hour drive home from Michigan. This won’t be posted until I get home, though, so I don’t have to use any data.
Here’s my updates for the week:
I finished The Maybe Boyfriend by Christina Benjamin and LOVED IT! I have not yet started on another book. The review should be posted soon.
I left for Michigan Thursday afternoon and will have gotten back shortly before this post goes live. I was up there to celebrate my graduation with my mom’s family.
While up there, I did a TERRIBLE job of keeping up with all my habits, especially with working out. I have no regrets, though, and I’m glad I was able to devote that time to being with my grandparents.
Work has been a nightmare, and I was very relieved when I left for my trip. A break was definitely what I needed to get my mindset back into a good place.
On Monday afternoon, I got to sit down and have some delicious coffee with one of my good church friends to just talk with her and get to know each other a little better. On Wednesday evening, I got to see two friends that moved to Texas several years ago and that I have barely seen since. We had a yummy meal at Cracker Barrel and had a joyous reunion, tears included. They leave to go back tomorrow, but I hope to see them again soon.
Besides that, I don’t think there’s anything else to update you guys on! I have my Budget Making post typed up and ready to go, so that should be posted within the next few days!
I hope you all have a safe and blessed week!
Love, Cat 💕
July 8, 2018
Summer Shenanigans | Week Six
It’s 9:46 pm where I live, and guess who’s up typing her weekly blog post because she was crazy busy all day and procrastinated on pre-typing the blog post. (Hint: it’s me!) Since I’m exhausted off the wazoo, let’s get started so I can go to bed as soon as possible.
For reading, I’m still working on The Maybe Boyfriend by Christina Benjamin. I’m about 70% of the way through, and I’m hooked. If you want to keep up with my reading progress for any books, or to know when I start/finish a book before my Sunday Updates go live, go friend me on Goodreads (I believe I’m under Catheryn Bolick).
For my bullet journal this week, I have crafted THE CUTEST spread ever, featuring mason lanterns, fireflies, fairy lights, and gold glitter washi tape! Keep an eye on my Instagram (@thebooklioness) for a picture! I love the way my budget page is working, even if I don’t completely like how the bottom turned out. I’m hoping to make a post about how I set up my first budget for those of you wanting ideas or tips.
For workouts, I have still been following Cassey Ho’s Blogilates POP Pilates Beginner’s Challenge. I missed my workout Wednesday because I was celebrating the Fourth of July, and I missed yesterday because of how busy I was. I did still get workouts in both days, I just didn’t do the Blogilates videos.
As for work, I’ve been really busy. Even when there are no patrons, I still have to manage all the chemicals, plan our end-of-summer party/in-service, get everyone’s last days, and a million other things. The craziness never ends, and I really need a break soon (which I will be getting in a few days since I’m going on a trip to Michigan)!
As for other miscellaneous things, Tuesday night I went to a devotional for college students and had fun, though I think I’m leaning towards the other Tuesday night service I went to the week before this past one. Wednesday I went to a local lake to go fishing and tube-floating with my mom and her boyfriend, and I’m the afternoon/evening we went to a neighbor’s house to celebrate the Fourth of July with good food and loud fireworks. Saturday night I got to go watch the Nashville Soccer Club play at the big football stadium in downtown Nashville with one of my closest friends; I had a blast and my voice is still recovering. The had a spectacular fireworks show afterwards. This evening, I went to a prayer and worship night that my campus ministry hosted, and it was very moving to see so many people all coming together to publicly pray for the students of MTSU. I managed to get on-stage and say a prayer of my own for girls struggling with their self-image, especially girls with eating disorders, which was a huge moment for me since I have pretty debilitating anxiety when it comes to public speaking, even more so when speaking about a topic so close to my heart. My friend, however, was there to support me afterwards, and I’m so very grateful that I met her. I hope the Lord moves on the campus of MTSU, and I hope to be a part of that change.
With that, I’ll close out this blog post.
If you are curious about my faith, or would like to learn more about who I believe in, please feel free to direct message me on Instagram.
I love you all and I hope you have a great week.
Catheryn ❤️
July 1, 2018
Summer Shenanigans | Week Five
So it’s 9:57 pm where I live and I just realized I haven’t posted anything for this week’s update for my Summer Shenanigans series. If there are typos or things that don’t make sense, I will apologize now.
For reading, I started The Maybe Boyfriend by Christina Benjamin (Book Six in The Boyfriend Series). So far I absolutely love it, but I’m wishing I’d gone back to The Almost Boyfriend to get a refresher on all that went on with the characters.
Work was about the same this week. I finally got my first paycheck, and it was mighty pretty. It feels weird to have a decent amount of money in my bank account again, but I’m definitely not complaining. This brings me to my next point...
I started my first budget! I’m thinking about actually doing a post specifically for how I made my budget to kick off the Lifestyle portion of my blog, so keep an eye out for that!
For working out, I have fallen madly in love with Blogilates. I started Cassey’s Beginner Challenge on Monday, and I already feel stronger and more confident. I love how she reiterates the importance of working towards being stronger rather than skinnier because all body shapes are beautiful.
On Tuesday night, I was invited to go to a college church service with some friends from work, and I really enjoyed it. We went to get donuts afterwards (I could only get water due to my gluten intolerance) and they were all so fun to hang out with!
On Saturday, I volunteered my time and talent to help paint a mural in the town I live in from 8 am to 2 pm. It was open to the public, and we had so many people come out from the community to help out, even little kids! You can check the pictures out on my personal Instagram (@catherynamber).
Saturday evening I traveled with my mom and her boyfriend, as well as my mom’s boss, to a family friend’s baby shower a few hours away. It was really fun and I got to see some boys I’ve grown up with that I haven’t seen in awhile, plus there were fireworks and yummy food, so I had a great time.
Other than that, I don’t think there’s much else to talk about. It’s been crazy hot and humid where I live, and I’m honestly surprised I didn’t melt while making the mural.
I’m sorry this post is going up so late, and I hope you understand.
I love you all very much ❤️
June 25, 2018
The Stand-In Boyfriend | Spoiler-Free Review
Wow okay, I'm really behind on posting the review for this book (sorry Christina, I love you!!). But hey, I'm getting around to it now rather than later, so that counts for something...right...?
Anyway, as the title says, I will be reviewing The Stand-In Boyfriend by Christina Benjamin, Book Five in The Boyfriend Series *swoon*. Lord, I love all these books so much, I wish I could have all the book boyfriends that Christina has created. Every time I read another one of her books, I fall more and more in love with her writing, especially since I've been able to see her growth as a writer from Truth (Book One in the Geneva Project Series).
Anyway, as the title says, I will be reviewing The Stand-In Boyfriend by Christina Benjamin, Book Five in The Boyfriend Series *swoon*. Lord, I love all these books so much, I wish I could have all the book boyfriends that Christina has created. Every time I read another one of her books, I fall more and more in love with her writing, especially since I've been able to see her growth as a writer from Truth (Book One in the Geneva Project Series).
June 24, 2018
Summer Shenanigans | Week Four
You guys, I'm half asleep while typing this post. This past week has been ridiculously crazy busy, but it's been one of the most amazing weeks ever. I'm sleep-deprived but the lack of sleep was so worth it.
For reading, I started and finished a short book called 5 Mistakes That You Can't Afford to Make in College in preparation for my entry into the full-time college life in the fall. I really enjoyed it, and after reading the book, I was actually inspired to create a budget for myself starting in July.
At work, I had my first save of the season, but you'll never believe what it was (yes, a what, not a who). I had to jump in and save a small, red, plastic ball. Why? Two words: lifeguard evaluations. I have actually done some of the other lifeguards' evaluations, and it's really fun.
I had my dance recital Friday night (possibly my last one for awhile, or forever). I did a ballet routine to "Warrior" by Demi Lovato and a lyrical routine to "Unsteady" by X Ambassadors. During my lyrical routine, I actually fell, but everyone thought it was just part of the routine, so I guess I pulled it off alright.
Yesterday (aka Saturday) I hosted my graduation party. The turnout was amazing and I am so blessed to have received many thoughtful, generous gifts from my close friends and family. There was good food, good people, and some good laughs. It went for a little over ten hours and I did not go to bed until past midnight last night, so waking up for church and to say goodbye to my grandparents before they left to go back to Michigan was very hard to say the least. Thankfully the coffee kicked in pretty quickly.
I feel bad that I haven't gotten to typing up a review for The Stand-In Boyfriend, and I'm sure this week at work will be crazy, but hopefully I can for sure get it posted by the end of next week.
I'm about to fall asleep, so I think that's a sign for me to go to sleep.
I love you all so much, and I hope you have a great week!
For reading, I started and finished a short book called 5 Mistakes That You Can't Afford to Make in College in preparation for my entry into the full-time college life in the fall. I really enjoyed it, and after reading the book, I was actually inspired to create a budget for myself starting in July.
At work, I had my first save of the season, but you'll never believe what it was (yes, a what, not a who). I had to jump in and save a small, red, plastic ball. Why? Two words: lifeguard evaluations. I have actually done some of the other lifeguards' evaluations, and it's really fun.
I had my dance recital Friday night (possibly my last one for awhile, or forever). I did a ballet routine to "Warrior" by Demi Lovato and a lyrical routine to "Unsteady" by X Ambassadors. During my lyrical routine, I actually fell, but everyone thought it was just part of the routine, so I guess I pulled it off alright.
Yesterday (aka Saturday) I hosted my graduation party. The turnout was amazing and I am so blessed to have received many thoughtful, generous gifts from my close friends and family. There was good food, good people, and some good laughs. It went for a little over ten hours and I did not go to bed until past midnight last night, so waking up for church and to say goodbye to my grandparents before they left to go back to Michigan was very hard to say the least. Thankfully the coffee kicked in pretty quickly.
I feel bad that I haven't gotten to typing up a review for The Stand-In Boyfriend, and I'm sure this week at work will be crazy, but hopefully I can for sure get it posted by the end of next week.
I'm about to fall asleep, so I think that's a sign for me to go to sleep.
I love you all so much, and I hope you have a great week!
June 17, 2018
Summer Shenanigans | Week Three
It feels so weird posting this much, but I hope you guys are enjoying these casual updates and snippets into my life.
Looking back on this week, I don't really feel like that much has happened. I went to work, taught two kids from my first week of swim lessons more advanced techniques for their second week of swim lessons, went to dance class, worked out a couple times (I'm in love with the aerobics room at my job), had an in-service where my blood sugar dropped during our skills tests, kept working on the July schedule for the pool, went out for ice cream with a guy, went swimming and made lasagna with aforementioned boy, mutually decided with the boy to just be friends, celebrated my mom's boyfriend's birthday, my mom's birthday, and Father's Day all in the span of three days, and went to a service at one of the college campus churches.
I've been thinking about changing the name of my blog to encompass the broader width of topics I want to cover both on here and on my YouTube channel (once I get it up and running again), but it's scary and daunting. I would have to create a whole new email for my blog, try and forward all my emails from my old email address to my new one, change my Instagram page, create all new hashtags, create new logos, etc etc. It's overwhelming to even think about it, but I don't want my blog to JUST be about books and book reviews. I want to show off my planner/bullet journal, post body positive things, share recipes and trips and life events with you guys, collaborate with other bloggers/YouTubers, like my amazing friend Jasmine of Stay Classy by Jazzy (GO FOLLOW HER!!) and Jaclyn from A World Full of Book Quotes (GO FOLLOW HER TOO!). Anyway, I have not officially decided anything, but keep your eyes out on my Instagram page for polls and updates about a possible name change (@thebooklioness).
This coming week is about to be CRAZY. My dance recital is Friday evening with the dress rehearsal on Thursday afternoon. My graduation party is Saturday afternoon/evening. Between now and then I have to clean my house, get a haircut, get my eyebrows waxed/trimmed, get a facial, get my finger and toenails painted, plan how to do my hair/makeup for my party, help make food for the party, get enough chairs and tables for the party, get party decorations/supplies, and host my grandparents ALL while lifeguarding this week and (hopefully) finishing up the first draft of this blasted July schedule.
I will hopefully get a review posted over The Stand-In Boyfriend soon, but it may not be this week.
I love you all. I've gotta head to bed.
Have a great week! --Catheryn
Looking back on this week, I don't really feel like that much has happened. I went to work, taught two kids from my first week of swim lessons more advanced techniques for their second week of swim lessons, went to dance class, worked out a couple times (I'm in love with the aerobics room at my job), had an in-service where my blood sugar dropped during our skills tests, kept working on the July schedule for the pool, went out for ice cream with a guy, went swimming and made lasagna with aforementioned boy, mutually decided with the boy to just be friends, celebrated my mom's boyfriend's birthday, my mom's birthday, and Father's Day all in the span of three days, and went to a service at one of the college campus churches.
I've been thinking about changing the name of my blog to encompass the broader width of topics I want to cover both on here and on my YouTube channel (once I get it up and running again), but it's scary and daunting. I would have to create a whole new email for my blog, try and forward all my emails from my old email address to my new one, change my Instagram page, create all new hashtags, create new logos, etc etc. It's overwhelming to even think about it, but I don't want my blog to JUST be about books and book reviews. I want to show off my planner/bullet journal, post body positive things, share recipes and trips and life events with you guys, collaborate with other bloggers/YouTubers, like my amazing friend Jasmine of Stay Classy by Jazzy (GO FOLLOW HER!!) and Jaclyn from A World Full of Book Quotes (GO FOLLOW HER TOO!). Anyway, I have not officially decided anything, but keep your eyes out on my Instagram page for polls and updates about a possible name change (@thebooklioness).
This coming week is about to be CRAZY. My dance recital is Friday evening with the dress rehearsal on Thursday afternoon. My graduation party is Saturday afternoon/evening. Between now and then I have to clean my house, get a haircut, get my eyebrows waxed/trimmed, get a facial, get my finger and toenails painted, plan how to do my hair/makeup for my party, help make food for the party, get enough chairs and tables for the party, get party decorations/supplies, and host my grandparents ALL while lifeguarding this week and (hopefully) finishing up the first draft of this blasted July schedule.
I will hopefully get a review posted over The Stand-In Boyfriend soon, but it may not be this week.
I love you all. I've gotta head to bed.
Have a great week! --Catheryn
June 15, 2018
Turquoise Mountain | Spoiler-Free Review
I did it! I finally finished Turquoise Mountain by Diane Reed! (Side note: the length of time it took me to finish this book had nothing to do with the book itself, just my crazy school schedule and workload as I finished up high school.)
Let’s dive in, shall we?
Turquoise Mountain is Book One in the Iron Feather Brothers Series. It focuses on the eldest brother, Dillon Iron Feather, and Tessa Grove, a jewelry-maker.
(From Amazon.com)
Dillon Iron Feather is dangerous and he knows it. Hardened by his championship fighting career, he returns to his remote Colorado ranch to heal, only to discover that city girl Tessa Grove is determined to stake her claim to the old mine she inherited on a corner of his land. Stubborn to the bone, Tessa soon digs up precious gems from deep within the earth to use in her custom-made jewelry business. But those stones turn out to be sacred, and sparks fly as they begin to guide her to the secret chambers of Dillon's heart.
5 out of 5 stars!
Recommended For:
For mature readers, due to a fairly graphic sexual scene. For lovers of Western TV shows/movies. For those with an interest with Native American culture.
I want to start of by once again reiterating the fact that it took me a long time to finish this book ONLY because of my school work. It had nothing to do with the content and/or quality of this book. From the moment I started reading Turquoise Mountain, I was immediately immersed into Dillon and Tessa's worlds. As a Cherokee American, I very much enjoyed the rich inclusion of the Apache language (Jicarilla), as well as the Apache culture and customs. This book has a beautiful blend of action, suspense, romance, and adventure, as well as vivid imagery that transports you straight into the Colorado mountains. I have to say that I was skeptical of the relationship development between Dillon and Tessa at first because I was fearful that it would seem rushed or insincere to readers. I, however, was pleasantly surprised. Though the relationship might seem to move quite quickly to some readers, like me, it did not feel awkward or forced. It is a perfect example of what meeting the one destined for you is like, suddenly realizing that you've finally found your home. Dillon and Tessa, as well as several other characters in this story, are so three-dimensional, with emotional complexity and tremendously written backstories that impact the characters in their day-to-day lives. It definitely helped contribute to the depth of this story. Overall, this book was a great read, and I can't wait to read the next one (Skystone Canyon)!
About the Author:
(From DianeJReed.com)
"I was raised out West in a big rollicking family, riding horses by the time I could walk. My earliest memories are of creating stories with my twin sister DJ. As “wombmates”, we developed our own language before we knew English, and by age three, we invented a curious pastime we called “The Rocking.” Each afternoon, we climbed onto a stiff, green couch and rocked in unison until we conjured a trance-like state, entering our stories as though slipping through a portal (honest!). All remnants of our drab living room disappeared, and we found ourselves roaming in a realm of winged horses and adventure. No one ever told us this wasn’t possible, and we often rocked so hard (even in the family station wagon) that our hair tangled into hopeless knots. Yet our mother, who possessed a whimsical streak of her own, never dreamed of telling us to stop, and our older sister Suzi urged us on by contributing plot ideas of her own. To this day, whenever I ask my sisters about details from The Rocking, they can recite the same scenes and dialogue that I recall from our ongoing saga that lasted for years.
And the truth is, little has changed…
Today, I continue to embark on these “spirit journeys”, only I enter through the portal of a computer rather than swaying on a dusty, old couch. And I’ve remained so passionate about the power of stories that I earned a Ph.D. in American Literature and Creative Writing. But you can bet I still consult with Suzi and DJ for their insights into my latest novels because they’re veteran storytellers who always make my imagination soar. From the playful pastime of sisters came a magical passport to new horizons—and it’s my hope that you’ll enjoy my novels and the gateways they open to life, love, and the miracle of second chances."
"I was raised out West in a big rollicking family, riding horses by the time I could walk. My earliest memories are of creating stories with my twin sister DJ. As “wombmates”, we developed our own language before we knew English, and by age three, we invented a curious pastime we called “The Rocking.” Each afternoon, we climbed onto a stiff, green couch and rocked in unison until we conjured a trance-like state, entering our stories as though slipping through a portal (honest!). All remnants of our drab living room disappeared, and we found ourselves roaming in a realm of winged horses and adventure. No one ever told us this wasn’t possible, and we often rocked so hard (even in the family station wagon) that our hair tangled into hopeless knots. Yet our mother, who possessed a whimsical streak of her own, never dreamed of telling us to stop, and our older sister Suzi urged us on by contributing plot ideas of her own. To this day, whenever I ask my sisters about details from The Rocking, they can recite the same scenes and dialogue that I recall from our ongoing saga that lasted for years.
And the truth is, little has changed…
Today, I continue to embark on these “spirit journeys”, only I enter through the portal of a computer rather than swaying on a dusty, old couch. And I’ve remained so passionate about the power of stories that I earned a Ph.D. in American Literature and Creative Writing. But you can bet I still consult with Suzi and DJ for their insights into my latest novels because they’re veteran storytellers who always make my imagination soar. From the playful pastime of sisters came a magical passport to new horizons—and it’s my hope that you’ll enjoy my novels and the gateways they open to life, love, and the miracle of second chances."
June 11, 2018
Summer Shenanigans | Week Two
If you guys have not already seen my Instagram post explaining why this week's blog post is late, it is because I tried a mobile app for my blog. I typed the entire blog post on the app so I could post it when I got home using my laptop, but lo and behold, the app didn't save any of the post. Soooo I'm starting from scratch, on my not-very-reliable laptop, dreading having to remember everything I included in the draft.
First up, bookish updates. I finished The Stand-In Boyfriend, book number five in Christina Benjamin's Boyfriend Series. I've started on the review over Turquoise Mountain and am hoping to have that finished and posted within the next few days. The review for The Stand-In Boyfriend will be typed up and posted sometime after that, hopefully within a few days. I have not officially decided what I am going to read next, but I am leaning towards getting through all the Boyfriend Series books that are currently in my to-be-read-and-reviewed pile (The Maybe Boyfriend and The Accidental Boyfriend). I know I will also be receiving an ARC copy of the newest Boyfriend Series book in the mail soon, called The Summer Boyfriend, and I'm thinking about saving that one for my trip to Florida in late July. Between those books, I have a trilogy by Dana Fraedrich that I also need to read and review, a book I need to read for college, and a book about how to survive college that I was *supposed* to review, but the company that sent it to me it no longer in business. Sooo, yeah.
Second, bullet journal updates. If you haven't seen my newest weekly spread, or any of my other bullet journal spreads, go check them out on my Instagram (@thebooklioness)! This month's theme is lavender! My inspiration came from Amanda Lee of @amandarachdoodles on Instagram (her YouTube videos are also amazing)!
Third, romance updates. None to report here!
Fourth, work updates. This past week was really fun. I started teaching competitive swim lessons to a group of about 5 kids, and I really enjoyed it. They were all such sweet, hard-working kids, and they were all so determined and willing to put in the work it took to improve. I treated them to a fun day on the last day, including popsicles and fancy laminated certificates (except for one kid whose certificate actually said his mom's name)! I teach swim lessons again this week with two kids, both of which I had this past week as well. I'm very excited!
Other than work, I haven't really done much. I come home and make sure to read for at least 30 minutes each night to get back on track with my reading habits, as well as to catch up on my ever-growing TBR pile. I have, however, started utilizing the amazing gym and fitness rooms at the recreation center I lifeguard at, and I feel so much more confident and relaxed after I workout. Today I went upstairs and played around in the aerobics room, and I fell in love. It was complete with a barre and Bosu balls and kicking/punching bags and a beautiful hardwood floor. It actually made me really emotional because my last dance recital is on June 22nd. I've been dancing for just about 13 years, but as I go into college, I don't think I'll have time to keep dancing with my studio. It breaks my heart because for so long, dance has been my outlet, it has been my way to cope with my anxiety and depression. It was my motivation to recover from my eating disorder. I'm just not ready to let go of it yet.
On a much happier note, I am happy I managed to get this all typed up and posted only one day later than planned. I hope you all can forgive me!
Until next Sunday!
Cat (:
June 3, 2018
Summertime Shenanigans | Week One
Hey guys...
It's been a hot minute since I posted on here.
I promise it was for good reasons, but just so you get to know me a little more, I'll detail everything I've done the past few months.
*cue flashback montage and mystical music*
It all started when I turned 18...
It's been a hot minute since I posted on here.
I promise it was for good reasons, but just so you get to know me a little more, I'll detail everything I've done the past few months.
*cue flashback montage and mystical music*
It all started when I turned 18...
March 8, 2018
The Goodbye Boyfriend | Spoiler-Free Review
You guys, I'm so behind on everything this year. It's ridiculous how much school work I constantly have to do when I come home. So far I've only read five books this year, and I set a goal of reading 52 books before the end of the day on December 31st, 2018.
Anyway, I hope this post finds you all less stressed than I am. Today I'll be reviewing the third book in Christina Benjamin's Boyfriend Series. All the books in this series are written as stand-alone novels, so you can read them in any order you like, or only read a few of the books (though I would personally recommend reading all of them because these books are amazing).
It's ironic that I'm typing out this review on the morning of Valentine's Day; I have not had a serious relationship since last summer, and I have been single for over seven months. The last time I celebrated Valentine's Day with a boyfriend was my freshman year of high school. Needless to say, I am not the biggest fan of today, and I prefer to refer to it as Single People Awareness Day. However, for a book about love, today is the perfect day to post this review. It is now March 7th, and this last paragraph is no longer correct. The week of Valentine's Day, I reconnected with a childhood friend of mine who I had not spoken to in nearly seven years. He did not remember me, but still we continued to converse with each other. After three weeks of delving deep into each other's lives and two non-romantic outings, he asked me to be his girlfriend last Saturday. For the first time ever, I will be spending my birthday with a boyfriend, and I am very excited to see where this relationship leads.
Now...on to the review!
Title: The Goodbye Boyfriend (Book 3 in the Boyfriend Series)
Author: Christina Benjamin
About the Author: Award-Winning author, Christina Benjamin, lives in Florida with her husband, and character inspiring pets, where she spends her free time working on her books and speaking to inspire fellow writers.
Christina is best known for her wildly popular Young Adult series, The Geneva Project.
Her best-selling novel, The Geneva Project – Truth, has won multiple awards and stolen the hearts of YA readers. Packed with magic and imagination, her epic tale of adventure hooks fans of mega-hit YA fiction like Harry Potter, The Hunger Games and Percy Jackson.
Christina loves to read and write across genres. YA is her favorite but she’s a sucker for a good love story. Don’t miss her romance, paranormal and historical fiction, as well as the multiple anthologies she’s been a part of.
Follow her at:
Facebook @ChristinaBenjaminAuthor
Twitter @authorcbenjamin
Instagram @authorcbenjamin
Patreon @authorcbenjamin
Pinterest @authorcbenjamin
Goodreads Synopsis:
Why did he have to say hello, when she could only say goodbye?
Everybody likes Nathan Hawthorne. But he's looking for more. More life, more love, more reasons to live. After the sudden death of his brother, Nate moves to New Orleans, hoping a fresh start will bring him clarity. His easy smile and California charm wins him the attention of every girl at his new school. Too bad he only has eyes for Camille.
Camille LaRue is a nobody, and she likes it that way. Her life has always been predictable. She has cancer. She's terminal. She's going to die. Cami can't change her fate. The only thing she can control is how she'll say goodbye. And that's why she doesn't have time for Nate, no matter how much her heart tells her otherwise.
When Nate says "Hello" to Camille, everything changes with one simple word. But how can she risk her heart when she only has a few measured heartbeats left? Luckily for Camille, Nate knows the best things in life are worth fighting for. He brings chaos into her orderly life, showing her just how much life she still has left to live.
A stand-alone love story about a boy who learns to live, from a girl who wants to die.
Overview/Thoughts/Opinions: Let me start off by saying that this book is extremely relatable and realistic. All the emotions feel so real and so raw that I tended to forget that the events were merely happening within the pages of a book. I have a particular fondness for the subject material covered in the novel because I plan to be a clinical oncologist, as well as an oncological researcher, so I will be dealing with terminal cases such as Camille's quite often. I emailed Christina shortly after finishing the book to congratulate her on how beautifully written and how heartfelt every word was, while I was still crying. The relationship between Nate and Camille never really felt forced or rushed in any way by Christina; she portrayed the awkwardness that often goes along with new relationships, as well as the arguments that ensue throughout the relationship. I believe strongly that this book should be read within schools to show young adults how to cope with grief. Also, this book does touch on suicidal thoughts and has mentions of suicide plans; this is another reason why I believe this should be read in school. Far too many people experience thoughts like these, but do not realize the danger in them, and therefore do not see the need to seek help. I suffered from thoughts like these during my freshman year, and after reading this book, I wish my Freshman-self could have read this book; maybe then I would have taken a look at the destruction I was causing my body and sought help sooner. Despite the heavy nature of this book, especially towards the end, it was filled with such beautiful, heart-warming moments that made this book bearable to read without too much dehydration due to crying.
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars (If I could give it 6 out of 5 stars, I would.)
To Purchase:
Barnes & Noble
Crown Atlantic Publishing (Personalized)
**I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review.**
Anyway, I hope this post finds you all less stressed than I am. Today I'll be reviewing the third book in Christina Benjamin's Boyfriend Series. All the books in this series are written as stand-alone novels, so you can read them in any order you like, or only read a few of the books (though I would personally recommend reading all of them because these books are amazing).
Now...on to the review!

Author: Christina Benjamin
About the Author: Award-Winning author, Christina Benjamin, lives in Florida with her husband, and character inspiring pets, where she spends her free time working on her books and speaking to inspire fellow writers.
Christina is best known for her wildly popular Young Adult series, The Geneva Project.
Her best-selling novel, The Geneva Project – Truth, has won multiple awards and stolen the hearts of YA readers. Packed with magic and imagination, her epic tale of adventure hooks fans of mega-hit YA fiction like Harry Potter, The Hunger Games and Percy Jackson.
Christina loves to read and write across genres. YA is her favorite but she’s a sucker for a good love story. Don’t miss her romance, paranormal and historical fiction, as well as the multiple anthologies she’s been a part of.
Follow her at:
Facebook @ChristinaBenjaminAuthor
Twitter @authorcbenjamin
Instagram @authorcbenjamin
Patreon @authorcbenjamin
Pinterest @authorcbenjamin
Goodreads Synopsis:
Why did he have to say hello, when she could only say goodbye?
Everybody likes Nathan Hawthorne. But he's looking for more. More life, more love, more reasons to live. After the sudden death of his brother, Nate moves to New Orleans, hoping a fresh start will bring him clarity. His easy smile and California charm wins him the attention of every girl at his new school. Too bad he only has eyes for Camille.
Camille LaRue is a nobody, and she likes it that way. Her life has always been predictable. She has cancer. She's terminal. She's going to die. Cami can't change her fate. The only thing she can control is how she'll say goodbye. And that's why she doesn't have time for Nate, no matter how much her heart tells her otherwise.
When Nate says "Hello" to Camille, everything changes with one simple word. But how can she risk her heart when she only has a few measured heartbeats left? Luckily for Camille, Nate knows the best things in life are worth fighting for. He brings chaos into her orderly life, showing her just how much life she still has left to live.
A stand-alone love story about a boy who learns to live, from a girl who wants to die.
Overview/Thoughts/Opinions: Let me start off by saying that this book is extremely relatable and realistic. All the emotions feel so real and so raw that I tended to forget that the events were merely happening within the pages of a book. I have a particular fondness for the subject material covered in the novel because I plan to be a clinical oncologist, as well as an oncological researcher, so I will be dealing with terminal cases such as Camille's quite often. I emailed Christina shortly after finishing the book to congratulate her on how beautifully written and how heartfelt every word was, while I was still crying. The relationship between Nate and Camille never really felt forced or rushed in any way by Christina; she portrayed the awkwardness that often goes along with new relationships, as well as the arguments that ensue throughout the relationship. I believe strongly that this book should be read within schools to show young adults how to cope with grief. Also, this book does touch on suicidal thoughts and has mentions of suicide plans; this is another reason why I believe this should be read in school. Far too many people experience thoughts like these, but do not realize the danger in them, and therefore do not see the need to seek help. I suffered from thoughts like these during my freshman year, and after reading this book, I wish my Freshman-self could have read this book; maybe then I would have taken a look at the destruction I was causing my body and sought help sooner. Despite the heavy nature of this book, especially towards the end, it was filled with such beautiful, heart-warming moments that made this book bearable to read without too much dehydration due to crying.
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars (If I could give it 6 out of 5 stars, I would.)
To Purchase:
Barnes & Noble
Crown Atlantic Publishing (Personalized)
**I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review.**
January 27, 2018
Seraphina's Vengeance (Seraphina Series #3) | Spoiler-Free Review
Hello everyone!
I hope that the first month of 2018 has been kind to you so far! For my first book review of 2018, I will be doing a *short* review over Seraphina's Vengeance by Sheena Hutchinson. I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. If you would like to read my reviews for the first two books in this series, click here.
One year ago, Seraphina’s entire world seemed to have dived into a mythical land over night. She’s somehow even gotten used to the madness of it all. But what happens when the craziness stops? Things become quiet… too quiet.
Sera should have known that things weren’t as quiet as they seemed. After one of the best nights of her life, Sera is forced into this treacherous journey to save one of her loved ones.
But following the path of evil begins to take its toll on Sera. As she struggles with her own internal dilemmas, Nate starts to take matters into his own hands. When this unseen world finally begins to affect Sera’s emotions and her relationship, can she hold it together to save her loved ones? Will love conquer all? Or will it turn her evil… forever?
Holy. Crap. Can I just take a moment and give Sheena a round of applause for how amazingly well she was able to portray evilness and apathy in such a real, believable way? I found myself HATING Seraphina several times throughout this book because of how brilliantly Sheena wrote her actions and thoughts. The reader is able to see Sera's transition into darkness and feel her inner conflict over what her heart feels and what her inner voice is telling her to believe. I was frustrated and angry at Seraphina, while also sympathetic and sad for Nate while he went through this. There was also a point in the book where my heart was ripped from my chest, but that's all I will say about that. There are so many other things I want to say about this book, but being the third in a series, it is so easy to spoil things, so I will keep my mouth shut!
Despite loving this book with all my heart, I have to give it a 4 out of 5 stars due to a poor editing job. There were several mistakes that were too hard to overlook; I have discussed these with the author, and she is planning on going back to re-edit the books once the rest of the series has been released!
Recommended For:
Fans of The Shadowhunter Chronicles by Cassandra Clare
To Purchase:
Seraphina's Awakening (Kindle Edition is currently free!)
Seraphina's Initiation
Seraphina's Vengeance
About the Author:
"Much like Martin Luther King it all started with a dream. The rest one can say is history. If you have read Seraphina: The Awakening I feel like you already know me inside and out. I've worked on the Seraphina books for over a year before I decided to publish them for the world to see. Written from my own dreams and imagination with portions taken directly from my very own journal at times. The first book is literally derived from my own thoughts and tears. When I'm not working, you can find me at my local coffeehouse writing my next saga.
Stay tuned I've got plenty of stories left. I have a wild imagination and a way with words. Which makes for a very lethal combination!"
I hope that the first month of 2018 has been kind to you so far! For my first book review of 2018, I will be doing a *short* review over Seraphina's Vengeance by Sheena Hutchinson. I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. If you would like to read my reviews for the first two books in this series, click here.
One year ago, Seraphina’s entire world seemed to have dived into a mythical land over night. She’s somehow even gotten used to the madness of it all. But what happens when the craziness stops? Things become quiet… too quiet.
Sera should have known that things weren’t as quiet as they seemed. After one of the best nights of her life, Sera is forced into this treacherous journey to save one of her loved ones.
But following the path of evil begins to take its toll on Sera. As she struggles with her own internal dilemmas, Nate starts to take matters into his own hands. When this unseen world finally begins to affect Sera’s emotions and her relationship, can she hold it together to save her loved ones? Will love conquer all? Or will it turn her evil… forever?
Holy. Crap. Can I just take a moment and give Sheena a round of applause for how amazingly well she was able to portray evilness and apathy in such a real, believable way? I found myself HATING Seraphina several times throughout this book because of how brilliantly Sheena wrote her actions and thoughts. The reader is able to see Sera's transition into darkness and feel her inner conflict over what her heart feels and what her inner voice is telling her to believe. I was frustrated and angry at Seraphina, while also sympathetic and sad for Nate while he went through this. There was also a point in the book where my heart was ripped from my chest, but that's all I will say about that. There are so many other things I want to say about this book, but being the third in a series, it is so easy to spoil things, so I will keep my mouth shut!
Despite loving this book with all my heart, I have to give it a 4 out of 5 stars due to a poor editing job. There were several mistakes that were too hard to overlook; I have discussed these with the author, and she is planning on going back to re-edit the books once the rest of the series has been released!
Recommended For:
Fans of The Shadowhunter Chronicles by Cassandra Clare
To Purchase:
Seraphina's Awakening (Kindle Edition is currently free!)
Seraphina's Initiation
Seraphina's Vengeance
About the Author:
Stay tuned I've got plenty of stories left. I have a wild imagination and a way with words. Which makes for a very lethal combination!"
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